Letter from the President

Welcome to The Institute of Medical and Business Careers. You’ve found IMBC for a reason and we’re glad you’re here. Please take a few minutes to explore our school’s site to find information on how our staff and instructors create a student-first environment that focuses on getting you trained for a new career. For more than 20 years, students have trusted IMBC to deliver hands-on training, personalized student support, tailored to the needs of each individual student, and career placement assistance designed to match you with a career that mirrors your training. Once you become a student you’ll experience our student community first hand to see why our graduates are proud to call themselves IMBC alumni, and time and time again recommend our school to their friends and family.

Our mission focuses on SPARK, which stands for Support, Pride, Awareness, Responsibility and Knowledge. Find out today how you can find your spark. I can’t wait to meet you!

Michael Euliano
President, IMBC