If you’re interested in a career in healthcare, specifically in phlebotomy, you might have encountered references to NRCPT exam. NRCPT…
Blood transfusions are common medical procedures where patients receive donated blood through a narrow tube placed within a vein. Healthcare…
Choosing a career path in the field of healthcare requires careful consideration and planning. Both the medical assistant and phlebotomy…
In the ever-expanding, fast-paced world of professional healthcare, a medical assisting technician helps doctors provide care for patients by performing…
Careers in healthcare are some of the most rewarding jobs available out there. Most people know what doctors and nurses…
Phlebotomy student, Amy Roschy, shares her thoughts during the Institute of Medical and Business Career's Erie campus commencement ceremony.
A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood from a patient, for a variety of procedures including tests, transfusions, research, medical…