
What is the NRCPT Exam for Phlebotomy?

If you’re interested in a career in healthcare, specifically in phlebotomy, you might have encountered references to NRCPT exam. NRCPT…

1 month ago

Basics on Blood Types and Transfusions

Blood transfusions are common medical procedures where patients receive donated blood through a narrow tube placed within a vein. Healthcare…

7 months ago

Medical Assistant or Phlebotomy | Which to Finish First

Choosing a career path in the field of healthcare requires careful consideration and planning. Both the medical assistant and phlebotomy…

1 year ago

A Day in the Life of a Medical Assisting Technician

In the ever-expanding, fast-paced world of professional healthcare, a medical assisting technician helps doctors provide care for patients by performing…

4 years ago

What is Medical Assisting with Phlebotomy?

Careers in healthcare are some of the most rewarding jobs available out there. Most people know what doctors and nurses…

5 years ago

Phlebotomy Technician Stats

Phlebotomy Technician Stats

5 years ago

Amy Roschy, Phlebotomy (Diploma)

Phlebotomy student, Amy Roschy, shares her thoughts during the Institute of Medical and Business Career's Erie campus commencement ceremony.

5 years ago

What is phlebotomy? What does a phlebotomist do? How do I become a phlebotomist?

A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood from a patient, for a variety of procedures including tests, transfusions, research, medical…

7 years ago