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Veterinary Technician Career Training

Earn your Associate in Specialized Technology Degree at our Campus in Erie, PA.

CVTEA Accreditation Logo

IMBC has received accreditation from CVTEA!

You love the thought of a career where you are surrounded by animals and those who love them. You want to help pet owners provide their pets with the best care possible. Assisting in various types of surgical procedures and emergencies is exciting; and never knowing what might walk through the clinic doors next is both intriguing and challenging. If this sounds like a job for  you, and a little cat fur on your scrubs won't ruin your day, then a career as a vet tech may be around the corner. Request more information today and learn how you can be on your way to becoming a vet tech in Erie, PA. Ask about our evening classes!

Veterinary Technician Training in Erie - Click to Learn More

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CVTEA Accreditation Logo

IMBC has received accreditation from CVTEA

You love the thought of a career where you are surrounded by animals and those who love them. You have Dr. Doolittle downloaded to your smartphone because you feel a strong connection to caring for animals and helping others. If the idea of wearing scrubs and getting a little cat hair on them seems okay to you, then a career as a Veterinary Technician is for you. Request more information today and learn how you can be on your way to becoming a vet tech in Erie, PA. Ask about our evening classes! Tap to request info.

Veterinary Technician in Erie

© 2025 Institute of Medical and Business Careers

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