If you think a career in medical billing and coding is right for you, then taking the next step so you get off to the right start is very important. In this article, we’ll share with you three steps for getting started as a medical insurance billing and coding specialist:
- Training
- Certification
- Job Search
Medical Billing and Coding Training
If a career in medical billing and coding sounds right for you, the first step in getting started is to choose the right training program. For busy individuals that don’t have time to go back to school full-time, then an online diploma in medical billing and coding might be your best option. Schools like the Institute for Medical and Business Careers (IMBC), offer an online diploma in medical insurance billing and coding that you can complete part-time and completely online.
You’ll want to make sure that the online program in medical billing and coding is taught by a school that is accredited. Accreditation means that the school has met certain quality standards from an independent nonprofit and U.S.-government-authorized organization.
Medical Billing and Coding Certification
After you obtain your diploma in medical billing and coding, you might want to consider obtaining your certification. Most top online medical billing and coding programs will help you prepare for your certification. Schools like IMBC, for example, will typically even pay for your first certification exam. One such certification is the NRCCS, which stands for Nationally Recognized Certified Coding Specialist.
While certification is not required to find a medical billing job, it might help get you hired. If an employer has to choose between two candidates for a job, and one has a certification while the other one does not, a certified billing and coding specialist might have an edge. It shows employers that you have obtained the basic skills necessary for success.
Finding Medical Billing and Coding Jobs
Starting your job search is easy to do. You should always start by contacting your school’s career services department. They may have partnerships with employers looking to hire medical billing and coding specialists. They can also help you find jobs by pointing you to the best websites, assist with your résumé and help you prepare for an interview.
If you are ready to start your medical billing and coding job search on your own, there are a number of different websites to visit that can help you find jobs in your town. Or, consider looking outside of your area, as sometimes it makes sense to relocate for the right job. Here are some websites to get you started: