Are you a recent high school graduate wanting to pursue a degree but can’t decide what exactly to study?
Are you looking to re-enter the job market after a long break?
Are you a person who just wants to change careers and update their skills to meet employer demands?
An associate in specialized business degree (also called an A.S.B.) may be the post-secondary program you need. But what exactly is this degree? More importantly, what will I learn and what can I do with it? And why should I consider this program?

First things first: An A.S.B. is a type of associate degree. Different schools offer different types and levels of degrees. At IMBC, we offer an A.S.B. in Marketing and Management. The degree’s official name is Associate of Specialized Business – Marketing and Management. Abbreviated as “A.S.B.”, this degree is a program where students learn the basics of marketing and management. Courses include business fundamentals, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, the basics of marketing, sales, customer service, social media, and much more. Also, because this is an associate degree and not a certificate, diploma, or completion-of-course certificate, students also take some general subjects like psychology and public speaking to round out their education.
But how long does it take?
The program can be completed in less time than a full university degree; generally speaking, an associate degree takes about one and a half years to two years of study, but your completion time will depend on the number of courses you take and other factors. At IMBC, typical students spend about one-and-a-half years.
Finally, before getting to the five reasons why this degree might make sense for you, it is important to understand that this degree is a foundation on which you can build your career. When you graduate, you will not immediately become an executive, manager, or company director. However, you will have the necessary tools to go up the ladder in your chosen field.
Let’s explore why an associate degree in business administration with a focus on marketing and management makes perfectly good sense!

Not everyone has the time to attend a four-year university full-time for pursuing a degree. The opportunity cost is enormous because it is more difficult to keep a job and care for your family while earning a degree full-time. And doing so over four years just doesn’t fit into the life plan for most adults. Four or more years, depending on where the post-secondary institution is located, might be too much if you don’t know exactly what you want to study, have a family, or work. Two years is a good compromise; you get the university or college experience in about half the time. In short, you can say that it’s faster, which means you can start working sooner.
It’s Versatile
We’ve all heard stories about friends or colleagues who have spent years pursuing general degrees, only to find that their newly-acquired skills are outdated or not in demand by the time they graduate. The advantage of an associate degree in business administration is that it provides a broad range of useful, real-life, and in-demand skills applicable to many entry-level jobs. A graduate can work in retail, management, customer service, human resources, sales, and sales support, just to name a few. This alone makes the associate degree a solid choice if you haven’t decided on a career or industry: you’ll have your pick because you’ll have many of the skills employers across many industries desire.
A Foot in the Door
Almost everyone knows how hard it is to get a job. Getting a good job is even harder, especially if you have not worked for a while, do not have contacts, or are entering the job market for the first time. An associate degree in business administration can be “a foot in the door”; your résumé will stand out and employers will notice. What also makes this program of study compelling is that some institutions require a practicum or internship for graduation. This means that the student goes and works, under supervision, in a real business environment, or completes a final project that mimics a real-world experience. The experience gained can be priceless and again provides an advantage when applying for jobs. In some cases, a student’s practicum or internship is so successful that they end up working for the same employer after graduation!

Standing Out From the Crowd
As mentioned above, an associate degree in business looks great on a résumé. This shows that the applicant has the needed skills employers desire and is also more likely to be ambitious and show initiative – qualities employers like. The fact that you have completed a degree demonstrates your work ethic. In effect, with an associate degree, you have more chances of getting hired than a person who only has high school education. And because you would have more of the in-demand practical skills that a high school graduate may not have, you may have an edge up over others. The reason for this is that high school graduates might be knowledgeable, but they require training in industry-specific technical skills that you would already have. So, by completing an associate degree program in business administration, you’d be a top choice for employers.
You Can Hit the Ground Running
From the first day at work, you’ll be ready to perform well because you will know what to do! As mentioned above, high school graduates have the capability to learn the job, but employers will need to take time to train them and get them up to speed. You, on the other hand, with the skills you have learned, will be able to do the job almost right away, saving everyone time and effort. It’s a fact that employers appreciate not having to train on-the-job. So use this to your advantage, and look into getting your associate degree online.
At first, an Associate in Specialized Business degree looks very general, but it provides a solid base in marketing, management, and basic tech skills. Because of the general subjects that are also taught with the business fundamentals, a student will also acquire the ability to learn and adapt to new situations effectively. While you won’t be hired as an executive director or upper-level manager right after graduation, you will have what it takes to enter an industry and work your way up. You can think of it as a springboard to leap further up the career ladder. Take some time today to learn more about the program, and contact the Institute of Medical and Business Careers. Speak with an admissions team member, and find your S.P.A.R.K. and start your journey!